Sani-System Water Softener Sanitizer (1 Packet)

Ships USPS

Item #OTG-SS96RO

One .25 oz. pack.

Sani-System Water Softener Sanitizer (1 Packet)

Ships USPS

Item #OTG-SS96RO

One .25 oz. pack.

Product Details

Sani-System is the only NSF certified and EPA approved sanitizer for use in water softeners and reverse osmosis units. It is specially designed to kill 99.99% of harmful bacteria and maintain the quality and performance of water treatment systems without chlorine, oxidizers or acids that can harm system equipment, parts and resin. A water Softener should be sanitized every 6 to 12 months.

Check out the product video here: 

Check out this video for cleaning blue filter housings: 

After extended periods of non-use, sanitize the unit by following the instructions below:
Step 1: Perform Back-flush, and then completely drain all water from the tank.
Step 2: Mix 1 packet (.25 fl oz) of Sani-System with two gallons of water (Sani-System packet cannot be reused). For the Standard model, use only one gallon of the solution with your unit and discard the rest per Sani-System instructions. For the Double Standard model, use two gallons of the solution with your unit.
Step 3: Connect the water source to the inlet of the unit, and then remove the top cap. Pour the solution into the tank, and put top cap back on.* Let sit for 60 seconds max, turn water on full for 10 minutes to flush the Sani-System out of the unit. DO NOT LEAVE LONGER THAN 60 SECONDS.
Step 4: Perform the regeneration process.
*If unable to fit all of solution in the tank at once, fit what you can, let sit for 60 seconds max, flush it out for 60 seconds, drain water from the tank, pour the rest of the solution in, let sit for another 60 seconds max, and then turn the water on full and flush the system for 10 minutes.


Part Number:          OTG-SS96WS
Design:                      Pro Products, LLC
Size:                           .5 oz
Temp Limit:             Store in a dry place no lower in temperature then 50ºF or higher than 120ºF